10 Houses With Concrete Pergolas in Argentina

Argentina is positioned in the extreme south and southwest of South America and given its extension, it has a multiplicity of climates and differences in the incidence of sunlight. These conditions led many architecture professionals to think about pergolas to generate transitional spaces between the interior and exterior of the homes that allow meeting the needs of its inhabitants by creating shaded, meeting and resting spaces in the open air.

10 Houses With Concrete Pergolas in Argentina
Pilará House / Besonias Almeida Arquitectos. Image © Federico Kulekdjian Pilará House / Besonias Almeida Arquitectos. Image © Federico Kulekdjian

Argentina is positioned in the extreme south and southwest of South America and given its extension, it has a multiplicity of climates and differences in the incidence of sunlight. These conditions led many architecture professionals to think about pergolas to generate transitional spaces between the interior and exterior of the homes that allow meeting the needs of its inhabitants by creating shaded, meeting and resting spaces in the open air.

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