2021 Course Development Prize
Registration Deadline: Oct 14, 2020; Submission Deadline: Oct 14, 2020 Submit a Course Proposal by October 14, 2020 https://www.acsa-arch.org/reso... Note: Must be a faculty member at an ACSA Member School to enter. Columbia University’s Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, together with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, is calling for course proposals on the theme of “Architecture, Climate Change, and Society.” This proposal is related to a multi-year Buell Center project entitled “Power: Infrastructure in America,” which seeks critically to understand the intersections of climate, infrastructure, and architecture. Objects of intense political, social, and economic contestation, technical infrastructures distribute power in both senses of the word: as energy and as force. Concentrating on the United States but extending internationally, “Power: Infrastructure in America” opens overlapping windows onto how “America” is constructed infrastructurally to exclude neighbors and to divide citizens. But infrastructures can also connect. Organized in a modular fashion as an open access resource for learning, teaching, and acting, the contents of the project website—power.buellcenter.columbia.edu—enable visitors to better understand the complex webs of power shaping our lives and the lives of others. It is in this spirit that the prize aims to contribute to the development of intersectional pedagogy on the theme of “Architecture, Climate Change, and Society” in America today. Change begins with connecting the dots. To learn more, visit https://www.acsa-arch.org/reso... Read the full post on Bustler

Submit a Course Proposal by October 14, 2020
Note: Must be a faculty member at an ACSA Member School to enter.
Columbia University’s Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, together with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, is calling for course proposals on the theme of “Architecture, Climate Change, and Society.” This proposal is related to a multi-year Buell Center project entitled “Power: Infrastructure in America,” which seeks critically to understand the intersections of climate, infrastructure, and architecture. Objects of intense political, social, and economic contestation, technical infrastructures distribute power in both senses of the word: as energy and as force. Concentrating on the United States but extending internationally, “Power: Infrastructure in America” opens overlapping windows onto how “America” is constructed infrastructurally to exclude neighbors and to divide citizens. But infrastructures can also connect. Organized in a modular fashion as an open access resource for learning, teaching, and acting, the contents of the project website—power.buellcenter.columbia.edu—enable visitors to better understand the complex webs of power shaping our lives and the lives of others. It is in this spirit that the prize aims to contribute to the development of intersectional pedagogy on the theme of “Architecture, Climate Change, and Society” in America today. Change begins with connecting the dots.
To learn more, visit https://www.acsa-arch.org/reso... Read the full post on Bustler