39 King’s Road Building / BEAU Architects

The office tower on 39 King’s Road started as a façade exercise soon evolving into a full architectural design mission. The antithesis of any “iconic” approach, it elaborates on the idea of “quiet innovation”, a motto developed with façade consultant VS-A, emphasizing the improvement of simple, archetypal solutions. As it would have been climatically criminal to implement a glass façade in Hong Kong considering the fully exposed to east and south facades, we ended up designing a solid façade perforated by a hyper-repetitive pattern of small windows, somehow echoing its immediate surrounding. The result is humble, pragmatic, and blends in the dense urban fabric of the North Point area.

39 King’s Road Building / BEAU Architects
© Kris Provoost © Kris Provoost
  • architects: BEAU Architects
  • Location: 39 King’s road, Tai Hau, Hong Kong
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Kris Provoost
  • Area: 2560.0 m2

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