5 Beautiful Plants That Attract Dragonflies
Dragonflies are a real blessing to have around the garden. Their elegant, colorful wings and long captivating bodies are mesmerizing to watch as they dart around the garden. They look like something straight out of a fantasy book. However, these insects aren’t just beautiful. Dragonflies eat up to a hundred mosquitoes a day! This makes them an excellent pest control for your property. However, unlike butterflies and bees that feast only on pollen, dragonflies are also carnivores. This means that growing sweet-smelling flowers isn’t enough to bring them to your harden. You need to grow plants that will make your...

Dragonflies are a real blessing to have around the garden. Their elegant, colorful wings and long captivating bodies are mesmerizing to watch as they dart around the garden. They look like something straight out of a fantasy book. However, these insects aren’t just beautiful. Dragonflies eat up to a hundred mosquitoes a day! This makes them an excellent pest control for your property. However, unlike butterflies and bees that feast only on pollen, dragonflies are also carnivores. This means that growing sweet-smelling flowers isn’t enough to bring them to your harden. You need to grow plants that will make your property more hospitable for them, create an environment where they can hunt and hang. Only certain flora can do this. Today we will share with you the best plants that attract dragonflies that you can add to your garden.
Dragonflies are a real blessing to have around the garden
Plants That Attract Dragonflies
Dragonflies are marvelous creatures. Watching them vibrate is and seeing their wings glistening in the sun is a unique experience that is worth seeing. But having dragonflies around is worth it not only for their beauty. These insects will help keep the mosquitoes at bay, increase biodiversity, and they can even help with pollination. So, if you want to see more of these beautiful creatures flying around your garden, you will need to add some of these plants.
These insects will help keep the mosquitoes at bay
#Native water plants
One sure way to attract and keep dragonflies around your garden is to plant native water plants. Since these insects lay their eggs and develop near bodies of water incorporating plants near a water feature or a pond will be highly attractive to them. It will make them feel right at home! Some plants you can incorporate into your garden that dragonflies will love hanging around include water lilies, water hyacinths, water irises, and cattails.
Incorporating plants near a water feature or a pond will be highly attractive to dragonflies
#Emergent plants
Emergent plants usually grow along the edges of water bodies or in shallow water. They are rooted at the bottom of lakes while their stems and leaves extend well above the water. These tall plants are amazing at providing perching spots for hunting, as well as shelter for adult dragonflies. Plants like pickerelweed, horsetail, and rush will appeal the most to these beautiful insects.
These tall plants are amazing at providing perching spots for hunting
#Bog plants
Dragonflies spend most of their time traversing around wetlands and bogs. So, if you add more bog-native plants to your garden, you will have more success in attracting these bugs. These plants will help you mimic their natural habitat making it very likely for them to come to your garden. You can add pitcher plants, sphagnum moss, as well as carnivorous sundews.
Dragonflies spend most of their time traversing around wetlands and bogs
#Nectar-rich flowers
While most adult dragonflies prefer to munch on mosquitoes and other smaller bugs, they more often rely on pollen and nectar from flowers as a source of food and energy. That’s why it’s a good idea to grow plants that are nectar-rich. This is a great way to attract all kinds of pollinators, including hummingbirds. Plus, these flowers are visually stunning so they will also add beauty to the garden. Butterfly bush, bee balm, and black-eyed Susan and just some pollinator friendly plants you can grow.
These plants are a great way to attract all kinds of pollinators
#Native shrubs and grass
A diverse habitat is one of the surest way to attract wildlife, including dragonflies. The more your garden mimics their natural habitat the higher the chances are they will come visit and more importantly stick around. Plus, it makes your garden look like a natural paradise! Incorporating native grasses and shrubs like switchgrass, button bush, and sedges, and willows can significantly increase your chances of having dragonflies around.
A diverse habitat is one of the surest way to attract wildlife
These are some beautiful plants that attract dragonflies to your garden. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can grow these wonderful plants and enjoy all the benefits of having dragonflies around your property.
These are some beautiful plants that attract dragonflies to your garden