512GW Townhouse / Archi-Tectonics

Archi-Tectonics converted a long and narrow industrial structure in SoHo into a spacious and flexible 8-story family home. The size of the space was doubled by adding a 4-story structure to the original townhouse, and by unifying the two volumes with a 3d envelope: the Climate Skin.

512GW Townhouse / Archi-Tectonics
© Evan Joseph © Evan Joseph
  • architects: Archi-Tectonics
  • Location: New York, NY, United States
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: Evan Joseph
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Archi-Tectonics
  • Photographs: Federica Carlet
  • Area: 4500.0 ft2

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