53 projects named Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize 'Outstanding Projects' for 2024
The Cycle 5 Outstanding Project winners of this year's Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize have been announced in both MCHAP.emerge and The Americas Prize categories.Maurice Cox, the MCHAP Cycle 5 Jury Chair, describes: "The increase in publicly commissioned works clearly signals a renewed commitment to civic architecture and the power of design as demonstrated by a wide range of types, including community centers and cultural, arts, and educational institutions. Many projects were the result of public-sector and foundation-sponsored design interventions that promote community well-being through design excellence." Cox also highlighted the important presence of adaptive reuse, urban housing, and sensitive landscape interventions in works drawing the jury’s attention. "In particular, the projects recognized as Outstanding for the Prize for Emerging Practice illustrate both a strong community-driven orientation and an innovative architectural insertion into the everyday urban fabric of cities. They situate architecture in the public realm where architecture and landscape intersect with people," he added.A total of 53 projects were selected from the 259 nominees built between 2021 and 2023. That includes 42 MCHAP selections and another 11 for the MCHAP.emerge category. MCHAP.emerge Cycle 5 Outstanding Projects Alhambra’s Cross Alsar in Bogotá D.C, Colombia by Atelier BogotáCentro Comunitario Productivo Las Tejedoras in Chongón, Guayas, Ecuador by Natura FuturaEdificio de departamentos en la calle Virrey Avilés in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Juan Campanini-Josefina SpositoGreenhouse for Plants and Humans in El Carmen, Peru by salazarsequeromedinaNave de envasado y oficinas para fábrica de tequila in Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico by Alejandro Guerrero | Andrea Soto | ATELIER ARSRead the full post on Bustler

The Cycle 5 Outstanding Project winners of this year's Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize have been announced in both MCHAP.emerge and The Americas Prize categories.
Maurice Cox, the MCHAP Cycle 5 Jury Chair, describes: "The increase in publicly commissioned works clearly signals a renewed commitment to civic architecture and the power of design as demonstrated by a wide range of types, including community centers and cultural, arts, and educational institutions. Many projects were the result of public-sector and foundation-sponsored design interventions that promote community well-being through design excellence." Cox also highlighted the important presence of adaptive reuse, urban housing, and sensitive landscape interventions in works drawing the jury’s attention.
"In particular, the projects recognized as Outstanding for the Prize for Emerging Practice illustrate both a strong community-driven orientation and an innovative architectural insertion into the everyday urban fabric of cities. They situate architecture in the public realm where architecture and landscape intersect with people," he added.
A total of 53 projects were selected from the 259 nominees built between 2021 and 2023. That includes 42 MCHAP selections and another 11 for the MCHAP.emerge category.
MCHAP.emerge Cycle 5 Outstanding Projects
- Alhambra’s Cross Alsar in Bogotá D.C, Colombia by Atelier Bogotá
- Centro Comunitario Productivo Las Tejedoras in Chongón, Guayas, Ecuador by Natura Futura
- Edificio de departamentos en la calle Virrey Avilés in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Juan Campanini-Josefina Sposito
- Greenhouse for Plants and Humans in El Carmen, Peru by salazarsequeromedina
- Nave de envasado y oficinas para fábrica de tequila in Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico by Alejandro Guerrero | Andrea Soto | ATELIER ARS