7 Amazing Houseplants That Remove Dust From Your Home

Houseplants have a place in every home. However, while they do add a nice decorative touch, and help you feel more in touch with nature, they do much more than just look pretty. Plants release clean oxygen into the space and do a great job at absorbing different allergens and... The post 7 Amazing Houseplants That Remove Dust From Your Home appeared first on ArchZine.

7 Amazing Houseplants That Remove Dust From Your Home

Houseplants have a place in every home. However, while they do add a nice decorative touch, and help you feel more in touch with nature, they do much more than just look pretty. Plants release clean oxygen into the space and do a great job at absorbing different allergens and pollutants such as dust, pollen, and even mold. If you spend a lot of time inside, it’s important to have good air quality. And what better way to achieve that than with some beautiful plants? So, today we are going to take a look at some popular houseplants that are not only loved for their attractive foliage, but also their magic ability to eat up excess particles. Here are some amazing houseplants that remove dust like a pro.

Houseplants have a place in every home

woman taking care of her plants

Plants release clean oxygen into the space and do a great job at absorbing different allergens

houseplants that remove dust chair in between plants

Houseplants That Remove Dust

Having a variety of indoor houseplants is a great way to make your space healthier without putting too much work or thought into it. All you need to do is give your plants some love, water from time to time, and plenty of nutrients and in return, you are getting a heap of health benefits. Plants can help you sleep better, breathe better, purify the air, remove particle pollutants, put you in a better mood, lower stress levels, and remove excess dust! So, let’s take a look at which plants are best at getting rid of that pesky dust.

Having a variety of indoor houseplants is a great way to make your space healthier

woman dancing in between big plants

#English Ivy

English Ivy is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping your home as dust-free as possible. This plant is amazing at cleansing the air, and while it may be most popular during the Christmas season, we recommend keeping it around all year long for its amazing ability to prevent mold growth and dust. English Ivy helps to reduce the excess moisture in the air and is able to reduce mold spores by nearly 80%. Keeping humidity levels at 50% are best for decreasing dust and mold. This plant likes to have a lot of bright, indirect light and prefers cooler temperatures.

English Ivy is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping your home as dust-free as possible

english ivy plant leaves

#Spider Plant

Another great plant for removing dust and other unwanted allergens from your home space. Spider plants can remove up to 95% of toxins in the air. They are great at absorbing dust and debris through their leaves, therefore reducing the amount lingering in the air. And the best thing about it is that it’s super easy to look after. It’s a low-maintenance plant and has a ton of health benefits. Win-win!

Spider plants can remove up to 95% of toxins in the air

spider plants in a wooden crate

#Peace Lily

Want something beautiful that still gets the job done? The Peace Lily is a perfect addition to your space! These plants release oxygen into the air which helps to improve the air quality by up to a whopping 60%. And this plant actually absorbs dust particles and mold spores and uses them for food. So, they are basically a tasty treat for it. The Peace Lily is delicate, beautiful, and useful. This plant enjoys bright, indirect light.

The Peace Lily is a perfect addition to your space

houseplants that remove dust white peace lily plant

#Snake Plant

Another powerhouse when it comes to improving air quality and getting rid of excess dust is the Snake Plant. These plants are famous for their air-purifying qualities and their ability to significantly reduce dust dander and other allergens in the air. They do this y absorbing and collecting the dust particles on their leaves while increasing the oxygen levels in the room. Snake plants are super easy to take care of and can handle both full sun to some shade.

Another powerhouse when it comes to improving air quality

big snake plant white pot

#Rubber Plant

Beautiful and useful. The Rubber plant gets its name from its leaves which have a rubber, waxy-like feel to them. According to NASA, this plant is great at clearing up air pollutants from the air, which include dust. The Rubber plant catches a lot of dust particles in the air thanks to its big, waxy, shiny leaves. And by pumping out oxygen in the room, it helps to clear away other pollutants as well. Make sure to not overwater this plant as it holds water in its leaves.

The Rubber plant gets its name from its leaves which have a rubber, waxy-like feel

big rubber leaf plants

These were some of the most effective houseplants that remove dust, mold, and other harmful air particles. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can more of these plants in your home and enjoy a dust-free (or one with minimal dust) space.

These were some of the most effective houseplants that remove dust

house filled with indoor plants

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The post 7 Amazing Houseplants That Remove Dust From Your Home appeared first on ArchZine.