7 Unexpected Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair

While hair damage is pretty much inevitable, you would be surprised how many little things you do on the daily are causing it harm. From using too much heat, to brushing it the wrong way. Even the tiniest thing can make a big difference to your hair. So, it’s time... The post 7 Unexpected Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair appeared first on ArchZine.

7 Unexpected Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair

While hair damage is pretty much inevitable, you would be surprised how many little things you do on the daily are causing it harm. From using too much heat, to brushing it the wrong way. Even the tiniest thing can make a big difference to your hair. So, it’s time to review your hair habits and start getting rid of the bad ones and introducing good ones. But before you can build up your healthy hair routine you first need to know what mistakes to avoid. Here are some common habits that are damaging your hair.

Hair damage is pretty much inevitable

habits that are damaging your hair red head woman holding her curly hair

Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair

We’ve heard a ton of hair myths about our hair. And it gets harder and harder to differentiate myth from fact. Many people don’t really know what is good and what is bad for the hair. That’s why it’s important to know which things can be causing some extra damage.

Many people don’t really know what is good and what is bad for the hair

woman on blue backround looking up

#Tight Ponytails

We love ponytails. They are easy to style, comfy, get your hair out of your face and look great. However, if you tend to pull your hair back waaaayyy too tightly, this will cause a lot of tension on your scalp and hair. Eventually all that tension will lead to hair loss around the temples and around your hairline. While this doesn’t mean you should never put your hair up in a ponytail again, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to mix it up from time to time. Why not braid your hair one day, then let it loose another. Give your scalp some rest. It’s also important to remember to not pull your hair up when it’s wet. This is because it is weaker and tends to shrink as it dries out, which leaves it open to breakage. When it comes to what hair ties to use, specialists recommend using silk scrunchies or a clasp.

If you tend to pull your hair back waaaayyy too tightly, this will cause a lot of tension

black and white picture of a womans ponytail

#Bad Brushing Technique

Brushing your hair is a whole process, in which every detail must be perfect. From the brush choice to the technique. If you are missing out or doing a step wrong, then your hair will definitely suffer the consequences. That’s why we are here to help you out. First, you need to choose the right hairbrush. Different hair types requite different brushes. Then once you’ve got the best brush, now it’s time to see what the right way to brush is. While most people start from the roots, it’s actually better to start from the ends, to remove any possible tangles and to minimize the chance of breakage. Then you start from the roots and brush in sections. Make sure to always be gentle and remember never to brush your hair while it is wet!

Choose the right brush for you with this guide

#Dry Shampoo

There is nothing wrong with using a bit of dry shampoo from time to time. However, constantly substituting a normal wash with dry shampoo is a terrible idea. While dry shampoo will liven up your hair and make it look presentable for some time, in the long run it doesn’t actually clean your hair. This leads to product buildup on your scalp, alongside sweat and oil buildup. In the long run, this will lead to scalp irritation and clog up your follicles.

Constantly substituting a normal wash with dry shampoo is a terrible idea

how to use dry shampoo woman spraying in dry shampoo

#Scorching Showers

There is nothing more rewarding than taking a nice, warm shower. However, we want to underline the word “warm”. Taking a warm shower is great, using scorching hot water on the other hand is not great. Hot showers not only dry out your skin, they also dry your hair out. Excessive heat, steam, water also strips away any healthy, essential oils, and leaves our hair and scalp vulnerable. Specialist recommend washing your hair with mildly warm water. This will allow your hair follicle to open up and clean them thoroughly.

There is nothing more rewarding than taking a nice, warm shower

habits that are damaging your hair woman taking a shower

#Too Much Heat

Other than terrifyingly hot showers, we often tend to treat our hair with too much heat. Using heat tools constantly and without any protections is a guarantee for major hair damage. Excessive heat will cause your ends to split, the hair to break and dry your hair out. It’s recommended to use hot tools no more than two times a week and to not use them at their highest setting. Using heat protecting products is also a great idea to help give a barrier between the heat and your beautiful hair.

Using heat tools constantly and without any protections is a guarantee for major hair damage

habits that are damaging your hair woman getting her hair curled with iron

#Wrong Products

Even if you have a full shelf of different hair care products, if they are not for your hair type or hair needs they are pretty much useless. Some may even be damaging. That’s why it’s always recommended to only use products that will benefit your hair needs. And keep in mind that in some cases using too many products without properly washing them out will lead to buildup.

It’s always recommended to only use products that will benefit your hair needs

woman in the shower with shampoo in hair

#Sunlight Exposure

While having fun in the sun is great, spending too much time under the blazing rays can be harmful. That’s why it’s important to protect your hair from the sun. The sun is not only damaging to the skin, but also for the hair. It causes our luscious locks to become dull, dry out and become susceptible to breakage. So, while there isn’t sunscreen for your hair, it’s recommended to try and stay out of the sun or at least wear a hat.

Spending too much time under the blazing rays can be harmful

woman walking on the beach during sunset

These some of the most common habits that are damaging your hair without you even realizing it. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can start to unlearn these habits and start to create healthy habits for healthier hair.

These some common habits that are damaging your hair 

woman standing in purple red and pink sunset with hair flowing


The post 7 Unexpected Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair appeared first on ArchZine.