A Solitary "Walk": Building Images in Times of Isolation and Social Distancing

There are strange elements of connection within this phenomenon of social distancing: not only is the whole world experiencing it simultaneously, but we also seem to share a global momentum of awareness that something unique is taking place, which demands to be documented and gradually understood.

A Solitary "Walk": Building Images in Times of Isolation and Social Distancing
© Tan Raymond © Tan Raymond

There are strange elements of connection within this phenomenon of social distancing: not only is the whole world experiencing it simultaneously, but we also seem to share a global momentum of awareness that something unique is taking place, which demands to be documented and gradually understood.

Moved by that impulse and under the guidance of professor Erieta Attali, 16 students from The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union, explored, through photography, their everyday life now ruled by isolation and social distancing. And they did so, not from a single city, but from 10 different places, as they returned to their home countries amidst the crisis.

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