Activating the Edges: How to Create Lively, Active Streets

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Activating the Edges: How to Create Lively, Active Streets
Courtesy of 9 Ways to Make Housing for People Courtesy of 9 Ways to Make Housing for People

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

A famous skyline can evoke rich associations and unleash imagination, but the real experience of a city is in its streets. Early humans evolved to see the first 20 feet in front, above, and around them so they could identify potential threats in the landscape. In our modern urban environment, this is still how we experience buildings and places. While aerial views and Google Earth imagery are useful for reference, the main experience of the outside of a building is what we pass by on the street, up to about the second or third story. The height of a building doesn’t necessarily matter if the street experience is rich and accessible. 

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