

The site is located on the outskirts of bustling Mumbai, in the quiet of the Sahyadri hills. The sweeping views of the Western Ghats in almost any direction are the highlight of this otherwise simple parcel of land. The capturing and framing of these picturesque landscapes was the primary inspiration behind the design. The disruptive architecture manages to create spaces of varying scales from monumental to cozy while it integrates into the home, the nature that surrounds it. The arrival is planned at the highest level under a large canopy that appears like a wing framing the first glimpse of this home in the Clouds. The floating lotus pond at the entrance, often engulfed in mist offers a breath of fresh air after the long drive out from Mumbai.

The structure is a simple intersection between concrete and metal. The resulting interstitial spaces translate into courtyards of various scales that may be habitable or simply form vantage points. Two parallel concrete walls act as the main axes cutting across the house and seamlessly connecting the three intersecting blocks which serve the respective functions of public, private and recreation. Materials have been strategically planned for the various blocks – glass and steel for the public spaces, and slate stone for the private spaces, both of which get anchored into the concrete spine. All the load-bearing walls on site have been built using stones found on site during excavation. The high ceilings, large corridors and windows planned across each other keep the house cool and ventilated with air that continuously funnels through.

Large sliding windows manage to bring the outside in, seamlessly integrating the natural landscape with the house. Large overhangs, verandahs and the partially covered swimming pool makes spaces usable despite the extreme weather conditions of the region. The rubric of the various levels of the house are derived from the natural terracing of the land. The suspended metal block and the cantilevered southern tip allows for the natural terrain to flow under it uninterrupted.

The success of the architecture lies in the fact that every corner you turn, the drama of the house and the view that it captures changes and moves along with you. The structure is an ode to the beauty of the mountains that surround it.