AirBubble Restorative Space / ecoLogicStudio

Marking a new development in their long-term research on urban wellbeing, London- and Turin-based design innovation firm, completes the third iteration of their AirBubble design concept. The restorative space conceived for a Swiss consumer healthcare company establishes a new symbiosis between nature and humans. The AirBubble restorative space is the world’s first biotechnological healthcare garden that combines air-purifying algae cultures with medicinal plants. The project pioneers a new spatial concept balancing work, mental and physical health, relaxation, and interaction among employees from diverse departments. Moreover, it offers a multi-sensory experience enhanced by the oxygen bubbling and the scents of fresh herbs and flowers.

AirBubble Restorative Space / ecoLogicStudio
© Pepe Fotografia © Pepe Fotografia
  • architects: ecoLogicStudio
  • Location: Nyon, Switzerland
  • Project Year: 2024
  • Photographs: Pepe Fotografia

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