Alley House / OA-Lab + Korea University

Barren neighborhood in the city - “Alley House” is a small multi-family housing project located in the midst of congested mid-rise housing and commercial facility neighborhood in Seoul. Nature has often been pushed off of priority by the rapid urbanization of Seoul. Specifically, in this development-oriented mixed-use neighborhood, nature and public spaces are most alienated among many other areas in Seoul. Here, the ground floors of buildings are dominated by parking spaces without care for the public and pedestrians while only maintaining minimum space between the buildings without places to rest.

Alley House / OA-Lab + Korea University
© Kyungsub Shin © Kyungsub Shin
  • architects: Korea University
  • architects: OA-Lab
  • Location: Seoul, South Korea
  • Project Year: 2017
  • Photographs: Kyungsub Shin
  • Photographs: Yooseop Song
  • Area: 260.0 m2

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