Aoti Vanke Centre / LWK + PARTNERS

The future of work is constantly being reimagined. Aoti Vanke Centre, an innovative working hub in Hangzhou, China designed by LWK + PARTNERS, embraces the hybrid model as the way forward and challenges conventional workspaces by externalising human activities to a fluid and highly permeable field of semi-outdoor space. This sleek new office complex reinterprets the podium-tower typology with each level of its elevated podium rotated by a different degree to create myriad walk spaces for people’s enjoyment. At a time when COVID-19 has accelerated shifting trends in sustainable design and spatial relations, the programmatic stack blurs the work-life distinction and lends itself towards a smarter urban lifestyle for the next generation, promoting interactions, active engagement and sustainability.

Aoti Vanke Centre / LWK + PARTNERS
Courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS Courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS
  • architects: LWK + PARTNERS
  • Location: Hangzhou, China
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS
  • Area: 95521.0 m2

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