Apartamento Artur Lamas / Verum Atelier

In a historic neighborhood of Lisbon, Artur Lamas is a 65 square meters apartment in Belém rehabilitation project. The project was designed with the aim of making the existing gloomy and tight space into a pleasurable apartment, that would allow its profitability through short-term lease. The architectural solutions developed in this project are the result of the study of the building and its features, as well as the possibility to take advantage of the east patio. Another major factor was the requirement to make a more salubrious space offering all the housing qualities in addition to re-building all existing infrastructures given the dilapidated state of the apartment. Firstly, there was a need to reinforce and requalify the existing roof, enabling the increase of the height and consequently the tearing of openings for natural light and air circulation.

Apartamento Artur Lamas / Verum Atelier
© Nuno Almendra © Nuno Almendra

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