Architectural Design for Nanjing Constitution Park and the Amenities of Urban Living Room in Green Expo Park / azLa

Construction Background - Constitution is the fundamental law of the country and the general statute for governing the country and the state. The full implementation of the Constitution is the primary task and fundamental work of comprehensively promoting the rule of law and building a socialist state under the rule of law. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that adherence to the rule of law requires adherence to the rule of the constitution, and adherence to governing by law requires adherence to governing by the constitution. The "Seventh Five-Year Plan" and "Eighth Five-Year Plan" of the Party Central Committee and the State Council emphasize the need to "innovate carrier positions" and "fully implement the constitutional oath system ". Also, it needs to “set up a link to salute to Constitution in new citizen ceremony, youth-adult ceremony, student graduation ceremony, and other activities ". Well, learning, implementing, and executing the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech, especially how to publicize Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law for the general public in a more lively form, to make every citizen deeply aware that adhering to the rule of the country and governing in accordance with Constitution requires adhering to the leading position of the CPC as determined by Constitution without wavering, adhering to the state system of the people's democratic dictatorship and the NPC congress system as determined by Constitution, that is an important task for the promotion and education of the rule of law at present and in future. Since Nanjing has no specific place for constitutional propaganda and education, it needs to build a fully functional and comprehensive constitutional park that integrates Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law, the important carrier for promoting the spirit of the Constitution, the solemn place of saluting Constitution for all citizens, and the urban landmark for the culture of the rule of law into a whole, so that people can imperceptibly learn, revere, and salute Constitution. The Nanjing Constitutional Park project was issued with a construction planning permit on November 25, 2021, and a piling construction permit on December 3. The construction officially began on December 4, the eighth National Constitution Day, and was completed and opened to the public on December 4, 2022.

Architectural Design for Nanjing Constitution Park and the Amenities of Urban Living Room in Green Expo Park / azLa
© Bowen Hou © Bowen Hou
  • architects: azLa
  • Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Bowen Hou
  • Area: 31162.0 m2

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