Architecture Film Festival London [OPEN CALL 2021]
Registration Deadline: Apr 4, 2021; Submission Deadline: Apr 4, 2021 Architecture Film Festival London 2021 The Architecture Film Festival London announces its 3rd festival edition, which will take place in June 2021. Since its first edition, the Architecture Film Festival London has aimed to discover and promote original ideas, conversations and art forms at the intersection of Architecture + Film. The festival organizers aim to offer a programme that fits personal spaces and shared fascinations without stealing needed off-screen time but rather enriching it. With this purpose in mind, our festival programme will present two sections: The International Film Competition and a collection of diverse, thematic screenings, essays and events entitled "Capsules". Considering the UK and abroad's current situation, this year's festival will be held online, offering a combination of ticketed, free and off-line content. The programme innovation for the 2021 version comes in the shape of the "Capsules" section, aiming to give space to many curatorial voices by freeing them from a single, binding festival theme. Each Capsule will follow a predefined format, including films, essays/articles, photography, drawing, interviews, etc. These capsules will combine quality content with both reduced screen time and the possibility of enjoying off-line content in a printable format. Read the full post on Bustler
![Architecture Film Festival London [OPEN CALL 2021]](

Registration Deadline: Apr 4, 2021; Submission Deadline: Apr 4, 2021
Architecture Film Festival London 2021
The Architecture Film Festival London announces its 3rd festival edition, which will take place in June 2021.
Since its first edition, the Architecture Film Festival London has aimed to discover and promote original ideas, conversations and art forms at the intersection of Architecture + Film. The festival organizers aim to offer a programme that fits personal spaces and shared fascinations without stealing needed off-screen time but rather enriching it. With
this purpose in mind, our festival programme will present two sections:
The International Film Competition and a collection of diverse, thematic
screenings, essays and events entitled "Capsules". Considering the UK
and abroad's current situation, this year's festival will be held
online, offering a combination of ticketed, free and off-line content.
The programme innovation for the 2021 version comes in the shape of the
"Capsules" section, aiming to give space to many curatorial voices by freeing them from a single, binding festival theme. Each Capsule will follow a predefined format, including films, essays/articles,
photography, drawing, interviews, etc. These capsules will combine quality content with both reduced screen time and the possibility of enjoying off-line content in a printable format.
Read the full post on Bustler