Arginvecchio Pavilion / Grazzini Tonazzini + Giorgia Colombo Architetto

A small-scale project, if well-conceived, has the power to produce wider impacts and is able to awaken the interest of individuals and enhance the understanding of a given context. The Arginvecchio installation sets up a temporary exhibition pavilion, an ephemeral object that explores the poetic role of architecture. The project is an enclosure that houses a small abandoned rural hut, a testimony, in its simplicity, of the authenticity and archetypal value of minor buildings.

Arginvecchio Pavilion / Grazzini Tonazzini + Giorgia Colombo Architetto
© Grazzini Tonazzini, Giorgia Colombo Architetto © Grazzini Tonazzini, Giorgia Colombo Architetto

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