Arquine announces winners of the 2023 MEXTRÓPOLI Pavilion Competition

Three winners have been announced at the conclusion of Arquine’s Mextropoli Pavilion Competition ‘23 in Mexico City. The competition’s brief called for designers to enact a pavilion structure in the capital’s historic Centro district while working within the curatorial framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, which takes place at six different historic locations from September 22-25th this year. Pavilions are meant to be temporarily inserted at each site in order to “[allow] the development of an open public program that builds a place for interaction between architecture and citizenship.” Designers were then tasked with meeting two objectives: Convene, with a universal character, to present ideas for the development and construction of a Pavilion, recyclable and reusable, without exception, complying with the requirements established in these bases.Turn the Pavilion into a reference space within the framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, which manages to provide the festival with a space for reflection and discussion around architecture and the city.The jury for this year’s competition included Daniel Daou, Rocío Pina, Eva Franch I Gelabert, Sandra Barclay, and Diego Rivero Borrell. Their only mandate, according to Arquine, was to select a proposal that "manages to propose a solution that is considered superior to the others." They noted: "The jury decided to select the second and third place projects as a message to topics to assess for future editions, at a spatial, tectonic or environmental level." Cash prizes of $100K, $50K, and $25K (in Mexican pesos) were awarded to this year's winning design teams. FIRST PRIZE - "OUT OF PLACE "Read the full post on Bustler

Arquine announces winners of the 2023 MEXTRÓPOLI Pavilion Competition

Three winners have been announced at the conclusion of Arquine’s Mextropoli Pavilion Competition ‘23 in Mexico City.

The competition’s brief called for designers to enact a pavilion structure in the capital’s historic Centro district while working within the curatorial framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, which takes place at six different historic locations from September 22-25th this year.

Pavilions are meant to be temporarily inserted at each site in order to “[allow] the development of an open public program that builds a place for interaction between architecture and citizenship.” Designers were then tasked with meeting two objectives:

  • Convene, with a universal character, to present ideas for the development and construction of a Pavilion, recyclable and reusable, without exception, complying with the requirements established in these bases.
  • Turn the Pavilion into a reference space within the framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, which manages to provide the festival with a space for reflection and discussion around architecture and the city.

The jury for this year’s competition included Daniel Daou, Rocío Pina, Eva Franch I GelabertSandra Barclay, and Diego Rivero Borrell. Their only mandate, according to Arquine, was to select a proposal that "manages to propose a solution that is considered superior to the others." 

They noted: "The jury decided to select the second and third place projects as a message to topics to assess for future editions, at a spatial, tectonic or environmental level." Cash prizes of $100K, $50K, and $25K (in Mexican pesos) were awarded to this year's winning design teams. 


Read the full post on Bustler