Atelier of a Film Director / benkobenkova

My journey with this assignment didn’t start in the usual way, although perhaps, looking back, it should go like this every time. A friend of mine, whom I met at the book club, called me saying he wanted to buy a house. We did the viewing together. It took us two and a half hours by train to get there. The friend's choice was driven by a reasonable commute by public transport but was also looking for a quiet place. First, I was not convinced - to start with, it wasn’t in the mountains as one would expect but in our Slovakian lowland. However - once there I immediately fell in love with this place and so did he. Simple structure, a classic cube with an extension into the garden. The building was in the "original state" as the real estate agent would say but had tons of character.

Atelier of a Film Director / benkobenkova
© Matej Hakár © Matej Hakár

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