Baan Priggang / BodinChapa Architects

Baan priggang (Curry Paste Home) is located in the center of Saraburi province. The area is surrounded by interesting household businesses, for instance, curry paste factory, and a local market. We will be able to experience the production of curry paste with clear shape, taste, smell, and sound. The original area was a two and a half storey wooden house with a building on the side. The owner would like to renovate the old area which was the curry paste factory, a household business that has been used for many generations. The building conditions are deteriorated and ineffective in use to be the area that is both residential and able to support the business in the future effectively.

Baan Priggang / BodinChapa Architects
© Witsawarut Kekina © Witsawarut Kekina

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