Beyond Human-Scale: Designing for Ecosystems, Migration and Machines

The human scale spans both physical dimensions and sensory perception. Designers create spaces and objects like steps, doorways and chairs that are closely aligned to human measurement and how we see the world. But as we look beyond the human scale, new ideas and typologies emerge that help us rethink how we conceptualize architecture and build for the future.

Beyond Human-Scale: Designing for Ecosystems, Migration and Machines
In the Robot Skies. Image Courtesy of Liam Young In the Robot Skies. Image Courtesy of Liam Young

The human scale spans both physical dimensions and sensory perception. Designers create spaces and objects like steps, doorways and chairs that are closely aligned to human measurement and how we see the world. But as we look beyond the human scale, new ideas and typologies emerge that help us rethink how we conceptualize architecture and build for the future.

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