Bez+Kock Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur Win First Prize in International Competition for Carthage Museum

Bez+Kock Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur have won the competition for the Requalification of the Acropole of Byrsa and Rehabilitation of the National Museum of Carthage in Tunis project. An international jury, led by Alberto Veiga of Barozzi Veiga in Barcelona, has awarded the first prize to the studios based in Stuttgart, Germany, out of 94 design submissions for the competition.

Bez+Kock Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur Win First Prize in International Competition for Carthage Museum
National Museum of Carthage in Tunis Competition. Image Courtesy of Bez+Kock Architekten National Museum of Carthage in Tunis Competition. Image Courtesy of Bez+Kock Architekten

Bez+Kock Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur have won the competition for the Requalification of the Acropole of Byrsa and Rehabilitation of the National Museum of Carthage in Tunis project. An international jury, led by Alberto Veiga of Barozzi Veiga in Barcelona, has awarded the first prize to the studios based in Stuttgart, Germany, out of 94 design submissions for the competition.

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