'Big, Hot, and Sticky' features a timely look at Houston's response to the climate emergency
As the Southeast Texas region swelters through the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, a new exhibition of seven designers and academics at the Architecture Center Houston (ArCH), titled Big, Hot, and Sticky, is turning an eye to the future and the present dilemma through a closeup look at solutions, alternative proposals, and their desires to instill "communal acts of resurgence."On view now until the end of summer, the show will consider Houston's "hyper-engineered" 640-square-mile footprint from Galveston Bay to west of Katy and the tensions that it faces as it continues to expand in the face of constant stress.Read the full post on Bustler

As the Southeast Texas region swelters through the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, a new exhibition of seven designers and academics at the Architecture Center Houston (ArCH), titled Big, Hot, and Sticky, is turning an eye to the future and the present dilemma through a closeup look at solutions, alternative proposals, and their desires to instill "communal acts of resurgence."
On view now until the end of summer, the show will consider Houston's "hyper-engineered" 640-square-mile footprint from Galveston Bay to west of Katy and the tensions that it faces as it continues to expand in the face of constant stress.Read the full post on Bustler