Biome Imagining a new nature in the city for the Great East
Registration Deadline: Jul 16, 2021; Submission Deadline: Jul 16, 2021 The DREAL Grand-Est with the support of the DGALN invites you to participate in the first edition of the Biome competition. This idea competition is open to students in schools of architecture, urban planning, landscaping and engineering. What is a biome? A biome (from the Greek bios, bio = life), also called macro-ecosystem, ecozone or ecoregion, designates a set of ecosystems characteristic of a biogeographical area and named on the basis of the vegetation and animal species that predominate and are adapted to it. Problem of the contest : While Covid 19 seems to have a lasting effect on our society and our ways of living together, the Biome competition invites you to imagine in a city of the Grand-Est region an architectural, urban or landscape project capable of bringing together city and nature. Faced with the global problems linked to global warming, the disappearance of biodiversity, urban sprawl and soil sealing, how can we imagine resilient urban complexes? The Biome competition offers you the opportunity to bring utopia and reality into dialogue with the aim of rewarding innovative ideas capable of reconciling the city with nature. Examples of issues : How to reduce the effects of heat islands in urban areas? How can the hearts of cities and the hearts of heat islands be renatured? What place for biodiversity in urban spaces? What solutions to fight against soil sealing in urban areas? Which urban planning can be imagined to create a dialogue between nature and human activity? Organizer DREAL Grand-Est implements the policies of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) and the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion (MCT). It is a player in sustainable development in the Grand-Est region in the areas of land use planning, transportation and mobility infrastructure, housing, energy, prevention of natural and technological risks, preservation of biodiversity, water and landscapes, preservation of resources and green growth and the circular economy. The General Directorate for Planning, Housing and Nature (DGALN) of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) develops, manages and evaluates policies on urban planning, construction, housing, landscapes, biodiversity, water and non-energy minerals. The DREAL and the DGALN, by launching the Biome ideas competition, invite young talents in architecture and landscaping to take part in the debate on the city of tomorrow! Registrations You can already register for the competition by following this link: Biome, imagine a new nature in the city for the Great East. Applications must be submitted online until Friday, July 16, 2021. For any questions questions concerning the organization of the contest : We look forward to discovering your projects! The DREAL Grand-Est team Alors que la Covid 19 semble marquer durablement notre société et nos manières de vivre ensemble, le concours Biome invite les étudiants en école d'architecture et de paysage à imaginer dans une ville de la région Grand-Est un projet architectural, urbain ou paysager capable de faire dialoguer ville et nature. Le concours Biome est organisé par la DREAL Grand-Est avec le soutien de la DGALN du Ministère de la Transition Écologique. Les étudiants peuvent d'ores et déjà s'inscrire au concours via le lien ci-dessous: BIOME Imaginer une nouvelle nature en ville pour le Grand Est Le concours est doté de 3 prix: 1er Prix: 4000 Euros 2eme Prix: 3000 Euros Prix 3eme: 2000 Euro s Deux mentions spéciales de 500 € pourront également être remises aux candidats. Les candidatures sont à déposer en ligne jusqu'au vendredi 16 juillet 2021 . Read the full post on Bustler

The DREAL Grand-Est with the support of the DGALN invites you to participate in the first edition of the Biome competition. This idea competition is open to students in schools of architecture, urban planning, landscaping and engineering.
What is a biome?
A biome (from the Greek bios, bio = life), also called macro-ecosystem, ecozone or
ecoregion, designates a set of ecosystems characteristic of a biogeographical area and
named on the basis of the vegetation and animal species that predominate and are adapted
to it.
Problem of the contest :
While Covid 19 seems to have a lasting effect on our society and our ways of living together,
the Biome competition invites you to imagine in a city of the Grand-Est region an
architectural, urban or landscape project capable of bringing together city and nature. Faced
with the global problems linked to global warming, the disappearance of biodiversity, urban
sprawl and soil sealing, how can we imagine resilient urban complexes?
The Biome competition offers you the opportunity to bring utopia and reality into dialogue with the aim of rewarding innovative ideas capable of reconciling the city with nature.
Examples of issues :
How to reduce the effects of heat islands in urban areas?
How can the hearts of cities and the hearts of heat islands be renatured?
What place for biodiversity in urban spaces?
What solutions to fight against soil sealing in urban areas?
Which urban planning can be imagined to create a dialogue between nature and human
DREAL Grand-Est implements the policies of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) and
the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion (MCT).
It is a player in sustainable development in the Grand-Est region in the areas of land use planning, transportation and mobility infrastructure, housing, energy, prevention of natural and technological risks, preservation of biodiversity, water and landscapes, preservation of resources and green growth and the circular economy.
The General Directorate for Planning, Housing and Nature (DGALN) of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) develops, manages and evaluates policies on urban planning, construction, housing, landscapes, biodiversity, water and non-energy minerals.
The DREAL and the DGALN, by launching the Biome ideas competition, invite young talents in architecture and landscaping to take part in the debate on the city of tomorrow!
You can already register for the competition by following this link: Biome, imagine a new nature in the city for the Great East.
Applications must be submitted online until Friday, July 16, 2021.
For any questions questions concerning the organization of the contest :
We look forward to discovering your projects!
The DREAL Grand-Est team
Alors que la Covid 19 semble marquer durablement notre société et nos manières de vivre ensemble, le concours Biome invite les étudiants en école d'architecture et de paysage à imaginer dans une ville de la région Grand-Est un projet architectural, urbain ou paysager capable de faire dialoguer ville et nature.
Le concours Biome est organisé par la DREAL Grand-Est avec le soutien de la DGALN du Ministère de la Transition Écologique. Les étudiants peuvent d'ores et déjà s'inscrire au concours via le lien ci-dessous: BIOME Imaginer une nouvelle nature en ville pour le Grand Est
Le concours est doté de 3 prix:
1er Prix: 4000 Euros
2eme Prix: 3000 Euros
Prix 3eme: 2000 Euro s
Deux mentions spéciales de 500 € pourront également être remises aux candidats.
Les candidatures sont à déposer en ligne jusqu'au vendredi 16 juillet 2021 . Read the full post on Bustler