Biophilic Landscaping in Educational Spaces: Stimulating Learning, Well-Being and Creativity

Environments that inspire, promote well-being and stimulate a connection with nature. Biophilic landscaping in education spaces recognizes the importance of this bond for student development, as it benefits well-being, academic performance, and people's health. We have selected eight projects that bring natural elements to the classroom or that place students directly in nature to illustrate the qualities in these spaces.

Biophilic Landscaping in Educational Spaces: Stimulating Learning, Well-Being and Creativity
Technology and Environment Laboratory Mencoriari / Semillas. Image: © Eleazar Cuadros Technology and Environment Laboratory Mencoriari / Semillas. Image: © Eleazar Cuadros

Environments that inspire, promote well-being and stimulate a connection with nature. Biophilic landscaping in education spaces recognizes the importance of this bond for student development, as it benefits well-being, academic performance, and people's health. We have selected eight projects that bring natural elements to the classroom or that place students directly in nature to illustrate the qualities in these spaces.

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