This deep retrofit of a house on the North Norfolk coast reconfigures a building once used as the village butcher's shop. A + S came to us with the need to heavily modernize a holiday home they had on the North Norfolk coast. Upon visiting the house, it was immediately obvious it was a locally important place, rooted in its immediate context with views of the staithe and its tidal, marshy landscape. The house had its own story to tell, a butcher shop back in its day, and was physically combined with its adjoining terrace into what is today known as Prospect House. The brief was a deep retrofit, the kind where almost everything but the shell of the building was broken down and put back together in a different way. One which suited a large family with different friends and family visiting at different times of the year. A dormitory room for the kids, a clearer circulation route through the building but mainly reorienting the house north - where the coast lies and the best views are enjoyed.
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