BORDERS: Transforming Forgotten Lines
Registration Deadline: Mar 6, 2021; Submission Deadline: Mar 6, 2021 ( THE ISSUE ) Borders must be bridges for the humankind, and connections between our civilisations; however, what we have seen during the last decades is something completely different. Borders around the world have become a symbol of conflict, racism, fear, inequity, and division. One single line could divide between opportunity and hope and poverty and oblivion. What if we change that concept through the architecture? ( THE CHALLENGE ) The main purpose is to design an architectural project able to transform a crossing border chosen by the participant, to join cultures, peoples, and create a vital spot for economic growth for all sides. Transform the crossing border into a place that unites and promotes cultural diversity. At the same time, the project creates a friendly atmosphere for the encounter of two or more nations. Participants have the challenge to develop an attractive programme for business and different economic sectors. Participants are free to choose the (1) location of the border, (2) the programme, (3) the scale, and (4) the scope of the project. The border location could be a specific international crossing by land or an entire region that affects multiple cities or towns. Participants are also able to explore and choose sea borders between nations, or “air borders” located at international airports. Every line that divides two or more countries could be considered a location able to be chosen for the participants to develop the project. ( EVALUATION CRITERIA ) The main principles to take in consideration as evaluation for YOUR PROJECT are the following: • Promotes cultural diversity. • Create bridges between nations, cultures and languages. • Avoids the stigma of walls, limits and division. • Innovative programme, and original architectural design. • Create an attractive spot for investors, governments and entrepreneurs. • It brings an original concept of what must be an “international crossing border”. • The participant project justifies with substantial facts why the chosen location is a relevant crossing border that should be transformed and why it brings a significant positive impact. • This competition is open to students, professionals and firms from all around the world. No specific background is required. We want to hear voices from all around the globe. ( PRIZES ) £1500 (First prize) International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook. £600 (Second prize) International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook. £400 (Third prize) International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook. +7 Honorable Mentions Certificate and project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook. ( SCHEDULE ) Early Bird September 7 - December 1 ----------- £49 Standard December 2 - January 31 ----------- £59 Advanced February 1 - March 6 ----------- £69 Registration & Submission Deadlines ----------- March 6, 2021 Winners Announcement ----------- APRIL 1, 2021 CHANGE PARADIGMS - REGISTER NOW ( Read the full post on Bustler

Borders must be bridges for the humankind, and connections between our civilisations; however, what we have seen during the last decades is something completely different. Borders around the world have become a symbol of conflict, racism, fear, inequity, and division. One single line could divide between opportunity and hope and poverty and oblivion. What if we change that concept through the architecture?
- The main purpose is to design an architectural project able to transform a crossing border chosen by the participant, to join cultures, peoples, and create a vital spot for economic growth for all sides. Transform the crossing border into a place that unites and promotes cultural diversity. At the same time, the project creates a friendly atmosphere for the encounter of two or more nations. Participants have the challenge to develop an attractive programme for business and different economic sectors.
- Participants are free to choose the (1) location of the border, (2) the programme, (3) the scale, and (4) the scope of the project. The border location could be a specific international crossing by land or an entire region that affects multiple cities or towns.
- Participants are also able to explore and choose sea borders between nations, or “air borders” located at international airports. Every line that divides two or more countries could be considered a location able to be chosen for the participants to develop the project.
The main principles to take in consideration as evaluation for YOUR PROJECT are the following:
• Promotes cultural diversity.
• Create bridges between nations, cultures and languages.
• Avoids the stigma of walls, limits and division.
• Innovative programme, and original architectural design.
• Create an attractive spot for investors, governments and entrepreneurs. • It brings an original concept of what must be an “international crossing border”.
• The participant project justifies with substantial facts why the chosen location is a relevant crossing border that should be transformed and why it brings a significant positive impact.
• This competition is open to students, professionals and firms from all around the world. No specific background is required. We want to hear voices from all around the globe.
£1500 (First prize)
International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
£600 (Second prize)
International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
£400 (Third prize)
International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
+7 Honorable Mentions Certificate and project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
Early Bird September 7 - December 1 ----------- £49
Standard December 2 - January 31 ----------- £59
Advanced February 1 - March 6 ----------- £69
Registration & Submission Deadlines ----------- March 6, 2021
Winners Announcement ----------- APRIL 1, 2021