Boundary Point Cabin / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson + Miller Mottola Calabro

Perched above a glacial lake in southern British Columbia, Boundary Point Cabin is a gathering place for an extended family to reconnect each summer. Our clients, a young family who enjoy seasonal visits to the lake, desired a home that opened to the landscape and provided flexibility for varied activities. The family had owned land above the lake, which included a small existing cabin, for several years, and recalled being drawn to the unique characteristics of the property, its panoramic views, and brilliant reflections off the water below.

Boundary Point Cabin / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson + Miller Mottola Calabro
© Bryce Duffy © Bryce Duffy
  • architects: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
  • architects: Miller Mottola Calabro
  • Location: Southern British Columbia, Canada
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Bryce Duffy
  • Area: 2500.0 ft2

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