Boxing Club Mohamed Ali / Atelier Aconcept

The city of Savigny-le-Temple wanted to build a new boxing club (thaï & free fight), in the heart of « le Domaine de la Grange ». Atelier Aconcept has been missioned for the conception of the project. Using a minimal vocabulary of form, they wanted to do a simple and functionnal project. To materialize the harshness of the fightings, they choose a sober pavilion with a simple geometry, with clean shapes, using raw materials of concrete and glass, for a strong horizontality.

Boxing Club Mohamed Ali  / Atelier Aconcept
Courtesy of Atelier Aconcept Courtesy of Atelier Aconcept
  • architects: Atelier Aconcept
  • Location: Savigny-le-Temple, France
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Atelier Aconcept
  • Area: 650.0 m2

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