Call for Submissions-The Urban Rhetoric_ Issue 5_ City in Dilemma

Registration Deadline: Nov 30, 2021; Submission Deadline: Nov 30, 2021 The Urban Rhetoric_ Issue 5_March 2022_ City in DilemmaTHEME Far away from the hustle bustle of the city, where the less privileged, native residents of the city move, are the underdeveloped urban fringe zones, which have no access to the city’s municipal infrastructure such as water supply, electricity or communication network.  Displacement of residential population, leading to gentrification have various debatable reasons such as re-articulation of urban spaces, social evolution, geopolitical changes and economic transformations. Upgradation of Urban infrastructure is not just inevitable, but essential. But, must we do that on account of displacing people from their homes?  Is this the ‘collateral damage’ that all cities have to bear or  can “Development” be achieved without crushing the city’s poor?  As a discussion platform for the future of urbanism, Issue 5 of The Urban Rhetoric shall aim to develop a dialogue on how urban development and planning, in terms of both design and policies have played a role in the cause and effect conundrum of gentrification.    Do we have a way around or is this the natural fate of all cities that aim towards a developed future?  Submission Format- Articles: 750 – 1500 words, word document(.doc format)  Photographs/ Illustrations/ Artpieces/ Sketches: JPEG format – 600 DPI  Publication Fee- Articles: INR 1500/- Photographs/ Illustrations/ Artpieces/ Sketches: INR 500/-  (Participation is free, publicaton fee to be paid only after your work is selected)  Submission Deadline- 30 November 2021 Send us your submission at info@theurbanrhetoric.comRead the full post on Bustler

Call for Submissions-The Urban Rhetoric_ Issue 5_ City in Dilemma
Registration Deadline: Nov 30, 2021; Submission Deadline: Nov 30, 2021

The Urban Rhetoric_ Issue 5_March 2022_ City in Dilemma


Far away from the hustle bustle of the city, where the less privileged, native residents of the city move, are the underdeveloped urban fringe zones, which have no access to the city’s municipal infrastructure such as water supply, electricity or communication network. 

 Displacement of residential population, leading to gentrification have various debatable reasons such as re-articulation of urban spaces, social evolution, geopolitical changes and economic transformations. 

Upgradation of Urban infrastructure is not just inevitable, but essential. But, must we do that on account of displacing people from their homes? 

 Is this the ‘collateral damage’ that all cities have to bear or  can “Development” be achieved without crushing the city’s poor? 

 As a discussion platform for the future of urbanism, Issue 5 of The Urban Rhetoric shall aim to develop a dialogue on how urban development and planning, in terms of both design and policies have played a role in the cause and effect conundrum of gentrification.    

Do we have a way around or is this the natural fate of all cities that aim towards a developed future? 

 Submission Format- 

Articles: 750 – 1500 words, word document(.doc format) 

 Photographs/ Illustrations/ Artpieces/ Sketches: JPEG format – 600 DPI 

 Publication Fee- 

Articles: INR 1500/- 

Photographs/ Illustrations/ Artpieces/ Sketches: INR 500/-  

(Participation is free, publicaton fee to be paid only after your work is selected) 

 Submission Deadline- 30 November 2021 

Send us your submission at

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