Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp / CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos

The entrance of the “Camino de Santiago” into the city meets between the sacred hill “Monte do Gozo” and the high-speed infrastructures that surround it. Until now, a long and steep staircase solved this slope, built following the lines of the tracks, breaking the continuity of the route and making accessibility difficult for people, preventing mobility in a wheelchair, bicycle, or on horseback. 

Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp / CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos
© Luís Díaz Díaz © Luís Díaz Díaz
  • architects: CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos
  • Location: Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Luís Díaz Díaz
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 333.0 m2

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