Casa Chorizo House / Giusto Van Campenhout

If for a moment we decontextualize and take the famous Mies’ quote “less is more” literally, we could end up arguing that the primary preoccupation of architecture should be demolishing and not building. It is of course an argument that can’t be taken seriously as a universal dogma, but Ungers and Koolhaas have already explored in their seminal project Berlin as a Green Archipelago, how useful voiding could be in some specific scenarios. We thought that The Casa Chorizo project could be one of them. 

Casa Chorizo House / Giusto Van Campenhout
© Javier Agustín rojas © Javier Agustín rojas
  • architects: Giusto Van Campenhout
  • Location: Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Javier Agustín rojas
  • Area: 115.0 m2

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