Chembarathi Boutique Resort / Satkriya

A boutique resort for those who seek to hear nature’s music from the wilderness, those who love the terrain of the hills, for those who seek solace in the rattles of the dark nights, nestled in the parallels of trees upright, to disconnect themselves from the chaos of urban life and listen to one’s heart beating in tune with the silver owl hooting amidst rustling leaves. With an average slope of 30 degrees, the project required a design that nestles within cozily, one that does not hold its head too high but mingles with the natural flora and fauna and creates a niche space for nature lovers who seek solace in the lap of the thriving forest.

Chembarathi Boutique Resort / Satkriya
© Prasanth Mohan © Prasanth Mohan
  • architects: Satkriya
  • Location: Wayanad, Kerala, India
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Prasanth Mohan
  • Area: 3000.0 ft2

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