Chidambarum House / BandukSmith Studio

The Chidambarum House is an evolving place, layering phases of history onto its structure, shifting as its family matures and grows. When the site was first acquired, a small Art Deco structure stood in the land. Behind it, the original house designed by Gira Sarabhai, opened toward the Sabarmati River. Over time, Sarabhai’s house has expanded, extending back toward and finally wrapping all the way around the old Art Deco structure. Architects of varied approaches have brought new life and ideas to the place. What we have contributed to the layered campus is a project in three phases that uses the existing Art Deco Structure as an armature, and reaches out into the trees to develop a light, airy home within a home for Mohal and Christina Sarabhai, their children, and great dane.

Chidambarum House / BandukSmith Studio
© Ishita Sitwala | The Fishy Project © Ishita Sitwala | The Fishy Project

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