Cities, Villages, and UNESCO Historical Landmarks in Morocco Are Severely Damaged by a Major Earthquake

Friday, September 8th, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit Morocco’s High Atlas Mountain range. The epicenter was located just 72 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, the country’s fourth-largest city and a popular tourist destination. The quake is the strongest to hit the nation’s center in more than a century. Estimates put the number of victims at over 2,000 and more injured, but as several towns and villages remain inaccessible high in the mountains, the number is expected to increase. In addition to the human toll, several historical landmarks, including UNESCO World Heritage sites, have been affected, while eyewitnesses in the foothills of the mountains report that several remote towns have been completely destroyed, according to CNN.

Cities, Villages, and UNESCO Historical Landmarks in Morocco Are Severely Damaged by a Major Earthquake
Earthquake impact in Douar Agadir Jamaa, Tizi N'Test commune, Taroudant Province. September 2023. Image © alyaoum24 via Wikipedia under license CC BY 3.0 Earthquake impact in Douar Agadir Jamaa, Tizi N'Test commune, Taroudant Province. September 2023. Image © alyaoum24 via Wikipedia under license CC BY 3.0

Friday, September 8th, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit Morocco’s High Atlas Mountain range. The epicenter was located just 72 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, the country’s fourth-largest city and a popular tourist destination. The quake is the strongest to hit the nation’s center in more than a century. Estimates put the number of victims at over 2,000 and more injured, but as several towns and villages remain inaccessible high in the mountains, the number is expected to increase. In addition to the human toll, several historical landmarks, including UNESCO World Heritage sites, have been affected, while eyewitnesses in the foothills of the mountains report that several remote towns have been completely destroyed, according to CNN.

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