Co-School - A Community School to lead education in conflict zones

Registration Deadline: Jan 3, 2022; Submission Deadline: Jan 4, 2022 Brief: Design a community school that will function not only as a traditional educational facility for children but also for adults. The needs of the locals must be addressed without compromising the quality of the environment on site. The centre must be flexible and have the capability to be self-built. The different nature of functions must be allocated in distinct blocks so that a modular facility design is created to be replicated as needed in other areas.The aim of the design is to create a local centre that can provide the locals access to fundamental social infrastructure. The centre can be conducive to boosting the economy of the area by becoming a learning or training facility. The local context must be taken into consideration while planning, designing, and choosing materials and techniques for economic construction. the full post on Bustler

Co-School - A Community School to lead education in conflict zones
Registration Deadline: Jan 3, 2022; Submission Deadline: Jan 4, 2022

Brief: Design a community school that will function not only as a traditional educational facility for children but also for adults. 

The needs of the locals must be addressed without compromising the quality of the environment on site. The centre must be flexible and have the capability to be self-built. The different nature of functions must be allocated in distinct blocks so that a modular facility design is created to be replicated as needed in other areas.

The aim of the design is to create a local centre that can provide the locals access to fundamental social infrastructure. The centre can be conducive to boosting the economy of the area by becoming a learning or training facility. The local context must be taken into consideration while planning, designing, and choosing materials and techniques for economic construction.

Read the full post on Bustler