Co-working utopic_US Conde de Casal / Izaskun Chinchilla

According to many studies, the coworking phenomenon is intrinsicly associated to the urban lifestyle. The density and diversity of people and oportunities that a big metropolis produces, encourages the apparition of places where its fundamental purpouse is sharing creativity. This is why it seemed natural for us that our spaces payed tribute and were inspired by great cities. utopic_US is a young and creative company, we could even say it is a little bit carefree… and the idea was to mix inspirations and memories of two cities, with the real soul of the firm. At the same time Izaskun Chinchilla Architects looks to strengthen the link between design and user by means of interactuation and surprise.

Co-working utopic_US Conde de Casal  / Izaskun Chinchilla
© Imagen subliminal © Imagen subliminal

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