Dark and Light Restaurant / Plainoddity

An Italian restaurant that brings something special to an ordinary day. As for food, heavy foods like pasta and steak are on the ‘dark line’. Light foods such as salads and desserts are organized in the ‘light line’. In the name of light and darkness, ‘LIGHT SPACE’ tried to express light and brightness, lightness, and open nature. ‘DARK SPACE’ is expressed as darkness, heaviness, and closed space. It was designed as a space where light and darkness circulate.

Dark and Light Restaurant / Plainoddity
© Choi Yongjoon © Choi Yongjoon
  • architects: Plainoddity
  • Location: Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Choi Yongjoon
  • Area: 353.0 m2

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