Demolition of LACMA complex is well underway

The Ahmanson Building is the last standing structure of four buildings being demolished at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Leo S. Bing Center is completely gone; construction workers are removing the foundations of the Hammer and Art of the Americas buildings. Demolition of the Ahmanson began this week, museum representative Jessica Youn said Tuesday, and should be completed “in the last quarter” of this year.Workers have made swift progress demolishing the history William L Pereira and Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates-designed buildings on the Los Angeles County Museum of Art campus. Demolition of Los Angeles County Art Museum @LACMA continues @MiracleMileLA #LosAngeles @KNX1070— Frank Mottek (@frankmottek) August 11, 2020 Of the three existing buildings, two have been wiped away with the third currently undergoing demolition. LACMA envisions completing the demolition of the existing buildings sometime toward the end of 2020 so that work on the Atelier Peter Zumthor-designed replacement structures can begin. A completion date for that project has yet to be announced. 

Demolition of LACMA complex is well underway

The Ahmanson Building is the last standing structure of four buildings being demolished at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Leo S. Bing Center is completely gone; construction workers are removing the foundations of the Hammer and Art of the Americas buildings. Demolition of the Ahmanson began this week, museum representative Jessica Youn said Tuesday, and should be completed “in the last quarter” of this year.

Workers have made swift progress demolishing the history William L Pereira and Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates-designed buildings on the Los Angeles County Museum of Art campus.

Demolition of Los Angeles County Art Museum @LACMA continues @MiracleMileLA #LosAngeles @KNX1070
— Frank Mottek (@frankmottek) August 11, 2020

Of the three existing buildings, two have been wiped away with the third currently undergoing demolition. LACMA envisions completing the demolition of the existing buildings sometime toward the end of 2020 so that work on the Atelier Peter Zumthor-designed replacement structures can begin. A completion date for that project has yet to be announced.