Dexamenes Seaside Hotel / K-Studio

The history of Dexamenes dates back to the “Era of Currants”. Since the liberation of Greece in 1830, the cultivation of currants took on impressive dimensions, and currants were the main export product of the Greek Kingdom. But when the “Currants’ Crisis” broke out in 1910 in Greece, the trade of currants collapsed and there was a need to convert the unsold stock of currants into alternative products, such as wine. This was when the first wineries and distilleries were created. Dexamenes was built on the sea so that ships could be loaded with wine directly from the tanks, before setting sail for the major overseas markets. The derelict, industrial structures that characterize the site were left relatively untouched since the 1920s, sitting quietly on one of the most unspoiled and beautiful stretches of coastline in the western Peloponnese.

Dexamenes Seaside Hotel / K-Studio
© Claus Brechenmacher & Reiner Baumann Photography © Claus Brechenmacher & Reiner Baumann Photography

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