DI Designathon Invite 2021
Registration Deadline: Oct 25, 2021; Submission Deadline: Oct 25, 2021 Hello All,I hope this email finds you in the best of health and spirits.This email is an invitation to the Design Inspire event “Designathon” 2021. The DI Designathon is scheduled to happen on the 30th and 31st of October 2021. The design hackathon allows the design students to compete against the best design students across the globe in a fast-paced environment, earn recognition, get visibility to showcase their solution to the global audience of DI and get rewarded with 1 Lakh Rupees cash price! We would like you to make the most of this opportunity to showcase your talent, meet the industry leaders and win yourself the trophy. Hence, kindly circulate this email within the college to the relevant students and groups. Registration link below: https://share.hsforms.com/1l-QLa4KoQaaBb7NH8kMCJw4dxi9 Read the rules and regulations of the event here: https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7368417/DID 2021- Rules & Regulations_v2.pdf Know more about the event: https://www.valuelabs.com/design-inspire/designathon-2021.htmlFor any queries or information, please feel free to write to us at: designinspire@valuelabs.com Follow us on Instagram: @designinspire_uxg, and be sure to join the conversation on our complete list of social media channels for more Design Inspire news, connections, and updates. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/designinspire_uxg/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcO2gwC3gd43rexjukjTgNdoH16zJuufTWebsite: https://www.valuelabs.com/design-inspire/index.htmlLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/valuelabs/mycompany/Read the full post on Bustler

Hello All,
I hope this email finds you in the best of health and spirits.
This email is an invitation to the Design Inspire event “Designathon” 2021. The DI Designathon is scheduled to happen on the 30th and 31st of October 2021. The design hackathon allows the design students to compete against the best design students across the globe in a fast-paced environment, earn recognition, get visibility to showcase their solution to the global audience of DI and get rewarded with 1 Lakh Rupees cash price!
We would like you to make the most of this opportunity to showcase your talent, meet the industry leaders and win yourself the trophy. Hence, kindly circulate this email within the college to the relevant students and groups. Registration link below: https://share.hsforms.com/1l-QLa4KoQaaBb7NH8kMCJw4dxi9 Read the rules and regulations of the event here: https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7368417/DID 2021- Rules & Regulations_v2.pdf Know more about the event: https://www.valuelabs.com/design-inspire/designathon-2021.html
For any queries or information, please feel free to write to us at: designinspire@valuelabs.com
Follow us on Instagram: @designinspire_uxg, and be sure to join the conversation on our complete list of social media channels for more Design Inspire news, connections, and updates.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/designinspire_uxg/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcO2gwC3gd43rexjukjTgNdoH16zJuufT
Website: https://www.valuelabs.com/design-inspire/index.htmlLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/valuelabs/mycompany/Read the full post on Bustler