Dos Hijas Gallery / CLACLÁ

Dos Hijas Gallery is a project that pays homage to the vernacular architecture of arid areas around the world, seeking to reinterpret it in a contemporary way. With a focus centered on a single compositional axis, the intervention is organized as a living machine, where the facilities become the backbone of a vertebral column that connects the house, gallery, and guest house through an elevated exterior corridor traversing the entire site. This external circulation allows for the enjoyment of the landscape and climate every time the user moves between spaces.

Dos Hijas Gallery / CLACLÁ
© Yoshihiro Koitani © Yoshihiro Koitani
  • architects: CLACLÁ
  • Location: Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Yoshihiro Koitani
  • Area: 254.0 m2

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