Dujiangyan Zhongshuge Bookstore / X+Living

Pushthe glass curtain door open,  the unique C-shape bookshelves with a natural walnut color will be in front of your eyes. The seemingly irregular sequence builds the intimacy of the space and becomes ahighlight in the front hall.  Theinspiration exactly comes from gray tile with a historical sense. The unique and lively arc shape blazes a new trail and subtly divides the forum area. Walking through under the bookshelf is like walking alongside an outdoor eave, or stepping into a rolling mountain. Stepping into the reading space, one could perceive the scenery images different from traditional bookstores and the profound cultural heritage. The bookshelves extend from the space to the adjacent columns, andingeniously catch the readers' curiosity and guide their route.

Dujiangyan Zhongshuge Bookstore / X+Living
© Feng Shao © Feng Shao
  • architects: X+Living
  • Location: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Feng Shao
  • Area: 973.0 m2

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