Dwell On This: Make Your Bedroom a Device-Free Zone

Don’t be held captive by screens in your own sanctuary.

Dwell On This: Make Your Bedroom a Device-Free Zone

Don’t be held captive by screens in your own sanctuary.

Admit it—you’ve long been mired in an unhealthy relationship, and you’re probably losing sleep over it. The toxic entity that we’re talking about is none other than your phone. The average person spends more than three hours a day messaging, shopping, and doomscrolling on their devices, and for many, a sizable portion of that happens in bed. Needless to say, we’ve all been trained by the algorithms that be to check our notifications "just one more time," and the Pavlovian conditioning is particularly ruinous when it comes to getting a good night’s rest (not to mention your mental health).   

Illustration by Mar Hernández

Today is the day to break the habit. It’s time to create a screen-free zone in the bedroom.

Creating a tech-free space is actually a straightforward process: Begin by banishing any devices with a screen from the bedroom. Don’t forget to remove charging cables or wireless charging accessories. Switch to an old-fashioned clock radio instead of relying on a phone to tell time. Schedule "Do Not Disturb" mode to stave off notifications during sleeping hours. Use stickers to cover any bothersome LED lights on appliances like air purifiers. And if possible, exile all devices to a room furthest from your quarters to quell the temptation to "snack" while in bed.

The real challenge, however, is turning a habit into a lifestyle. Avoid temptation by cutting off all screen time at least an hour before bed, investing in the best mattress and bedding possible, and keeping a stack of books on your nightstand to ensure you never scroll your way to sleep again.

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