EA House / Juan Trivelloni Arquitectura

  This project reflected the firm’s interest in thinking about architecture as part of the environment and in this particular case try to integrate it with the lagoon that surrounds it. Implanted in a trapezoidal corner lot the house is solid and eloquent. A compact volumetry on a completely blind front takes the curve of the cul de sac and then opens on the side and backside thus expanding the visuals outwards and capture the best views of the water and nourishing itself of the sun. The structure composed of slabs, beams, walls and concrete walls in sight allows to compose figures and delimit spaces as happens with the cantilevers of the galleries that give movement and a vertigo feeling. When passing through the main door, the staircase that receives the person who enters divides the floor into its two main axes and opens the space managing to blur the interior/exterior boundaries generating a set of transparencies and continuities where the green areas that surround it take a leading role.

EA House / Juan Trivelloni Arquitectura
© Taquicardia fotografica © Taquicardia fotografica

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