Edgar Jerins: Photographing the Locked-Down City of New York

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Edgar Jerins: Photographing the Locked-Down City of New York
46th Street, New York City, 6:00 p.m, May 28, 2020.. Image © Edgar Jerins 46th Street, New York City, 6:00 p.m, May 28, 2020.. Image © Edgar Jerins

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

New York City: locked down, empty. It was heartbreaking, of course, but it was also beautiful. For artist Edgar Jerins, that revelation was something of a surprise. Who knew this bustling, chaotic, dirty, vibrant, profane, amazing city could look so … gorgeous when stripped of people and activity? For years, Jerins rode the subway to his studio near Times Square. When news of the spreading pandemic first surfaced—more as a vague, undefined threat, initially—he fled out of fear to the bus, and then, after the severity of the event became apparent and the lockdown began, he borrowed his daughter’s bicycle.

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