Experience Chute — Parc de la Chute-Montmorency
Québec, CanadaDaoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker Landscape Architecture, Furniture, Garden + Terrace, Institutional Architecture, Travel, Urban Design More than 800,000 people visit the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency each year to enjoy the remarkable 83m high waterfall and the scenic surroundings. Intervening in such an emblematic, vast, and imposing site requires respect and humility so that the visitor’s experience is entirely dedicated to contemplation and experience of the falls. The new installations realized as part of the Experience Chute projec... (continued)

Québec, Canada
Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker
Landscape Architecture, Furniture, Garden + Terrace, Institutional Architecture, Travel, Urban Design
More than 800,000 people visit the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency each year to enjoy the remarkable 83m high waterfall and the scenic surroundings.
Intervening in such an emblematic, vast, and imposing site requires respect and humility so that the visitor’s experience is entirely dedicated to contemplation and experience of the falls. The new installations realized as part of the Experience Chute projec... (continued)