Fjordenhus / Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann with Studio Olafur Eliasson

Setting. Vejle Fjord in Jutland stretches east from its head at the city of Vejle to its mouth at the Kattegat Sea. Fjordenhus stands in the water alongside Havneøen (The Harbour Island), a man-made island that was developed in response to a concept by Vejle Municipality to revitalize the harbour area, introducing important new residential components into a traditionally industrial environment. For those approaching from Vejle’s main urban axis, the building appears as the focal point, surrounded by water and with the Vejle Fjord Bridge in the background. The concrete and cobble-stone surfaces of the expansive plaza in front of the building are echoed in the design of Günther Vogt’s jetty, while the cylindrical forms and distinctive brickwork of Fjordenhus nod to the historical harbor typologies of warehouses and silos. Set against the backdrop of the fjord, the building itself breaks the smooth plane of the water.

Fjordenhus / Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann with Studio Olafur Eliasson
© Anders Sune Berg © Anders Sune Berg
  • architects: Sebastian Behmann
  • architects: Studio Olafur Eliasson
  • Location: Havneøen 1, 7100 Vejle, Denmark
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Anders Sune Berg
  • Photographs: David de Larrea Remiro
  • Photographs:

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