For Flawless Coffee at Home, Get a Burr Grinder

No matter how you do your at-home brew, your coffee beans are deserving of a really good grind.

For Flawless Coffee at Home, Get a Burr Grinder

No matter how you do your at-home brew, your coffee beans are deserving of a really good grind.

Blade-style grinders are typically easier to tuck away once you’re done with them. But if you want to unlock layers of flavor that would impress even the most imperturbable of coffee snobs, it’s gotta be a burr grinder. Grab one of these seven stylish grinders to start your morning with a perfect cup, every time. 

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder

A powerful and precise home grinder with café capabilities, Ode Brew Grinder does things differently. When grinders try to tackle both brewed coffee and espresso, they become a master of none. In stark contrast, Ode was designed to perfect your daily brewed coffee— AeroPress®, pour-over, French press, cold brew, and more. With 64 mm professional-grade flat burrs, 31 grind settings, and unique single dose loading for maximum bean freshness, Ode is ready to hit the grind running!


Baratza Encore Burr Coffee Grinder

Recommended by coffee experts as THE go-to entry level grinder for brewing coffee at home. This tried and true grinder has been on the market since 2012 and is our most widely used grinder. Its grind consistency and reliability make it a great little workhorse for your home espresso, drip or French Press coffee setup.

Hario Mini-Slim Ceramic Coffee Mill

The Mini-Slim+ is a great grinder for both beginners and pros! This compact ceramic burr hand grinder is perfect for travel or home use, and is an upgrade from the original Mini-Slim with a newly designed handle and shaft coupling for better traction. All of our manual coffee grinders use burrs made of ceramic - conical ceramic burrs transfer less heat and shave coffee beans versus cracking them like blade grinders. This process also provides a more consistent grind that can easily be adjusted and set for repeat use.

Bodum Bistro Electric Coffee Grinder

Since 1944, Bodum has operated under the belief that good design should be both functional and affordable. Known for their signature Scandinavian design and iconic French Press, Bodum's products will transform your kitchen. The electric Conical Burr Grinder maximizes the potential of your coffee beans with 12 grind settings to choose from, for the perfect tasting grounds every time.

Smeg Coffee Grinder

Italian-based SMEG is known for its '50s retro-look appliances designed in collaboration with some of the world's top architects. This electric coffee grinder combines iconic midcentury style with modern features. Use the lever to select just the right grind for your favorite brewing method, whether it's an espresso machine, moka pot, drip coffee maker or French press.

Cuisinart Touchscreen Burr Mill Coffee Grinder

Cuisinart brings the ease of touchscreen control to your daily routine with the T-Series burr mill coffee grinder. Simply tap the icons on the smooth black touchscreen to prepare the perfect grind. The machine automatically grinds the ideal amount of coffee beans for the number of cups you're brewing. When not in use, the LCD screen goes to sleep, creating an ultra-sleek, sculptural profile on the kitchen counter.

Eureka Mignon Brew Pro Coffee Grinder

It's dramatic, stylish, and provides a striking effect necessary for any barista bar. Eureka's Mignon Brew Pro's hand-built Italian design with sharp, angular lines give your drip-brew counter a sleek but romantic look. Whether you use AeroPress, pour over, a French press, or anything in between, you'll taste the difference.

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